At Hangry Planet, our mission is to present the most environmentally driven health-conscious Convenience Store in North America, utilizing partnerships and community outreach programs to advance our core sustainability and advocacy goals aimed at reducing our carbon footprint. Hangry Planet is not only a yummy destination but also serves as an educational arm of Rustic Enterprises 501 LLC (pending).

As the 1st plant-based C-store in North America, we prioritize sustainability, environmental advocacy, and proactive kindness to all sentient beings. We have transformed a high-traffic junk food milieu into a lighthouse for healthy food choices. We also have a mission to educate on our carbon footprint, and how to mindfully choose a way a life that is more in harmony with nature, optimal health, and animal protection.

At Hangry, we have community outreach programs run by volunteers and staff. Programs and alliances are designed to help educate on how to reduce our carbon footprint, the environmental consequences of our food choices, and the inherent systemic abuse that is rampant behind closed doors on factory farms. We partner with organizations such as New Roots InstituteClean Water Action, VegMichigan, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and Switch4Food to educate around the health and environmental impact of our choices.  

Since July of 2023, all our utensils and cups are compostable and we have an active composting program thanks to Sustainability Ambassador Bob Davis.

Our partnerships with Animal Recovery Mission & Animal Equality serve to elevate awareness of the cruelty we pay for when choosing dairy and animal derived food products.

 If you'd like join our team of Sustainability Ambassadors and become an Advocate for Sustainability, in helping educate others on reducing our carbon footprint and living in greater harmony with animals, please email us at

Our efforts in the community include leading talks and workshops in California and Michigan, and providing grants to organizations with a core mission of sustainability, education, and orphan care .

Hangry Planet earmarks 11% of profits for nonprofits devoted to advancing sustainability goals, animal protection, orphan care, and local schools.

If you’d like to learn more about plant-based meal planning, the vital health and planet benefits, please visit Thanks for supporting orphanages, sustainability initiatives, and animal protection by shopping at Hangry Planet.  

below you will find some dairy education!


Operation Nourish: Feel Beautiful, Not Junkie.

By Bobak Bakhtiari

Fear, pain, and isolation are the dominant realities for the billions of animals caught up in the architecture of animal terrorism known as factory farming today. Over 99% of the meat you eat and cheese/dairy you consume comes from the daily torment of animals, most in CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations), likely standing in their own poop right now. Many of these species never see the outdoors except on their way to the slaughterhouse. They live, breathe fear and pain.

Ponder that for a second.

The truth of this cruelty is strategically hidden as convenience, tradition, and mass profit steadily prevail without any accountability. (i.e., Lucerne milk advertises calves and mom on their label. Lie. Calves are stolen right at birth and never see mom, while Mom’s reproductive organs are exploited for human consumption until she dies a fraction of her normal lifespan).

If you want to know what evil terror you unfortunately sponsor (unless you’re plant based), I suggest reading up on and, two organizations that comprehensively document abuse and pursue law-changing measures.

Hangry Planet is a family run operation since 1999 and though this is just one mart, we proactively advocate for the (voiceless) furry and nonfurry loves that each posses their own personality and deserve to be happy and free from slavery. We are taking a stand against abuse, prioritizing compassion, blacklisting factory farming, and seek to educate on the horrors you probably know very little or nothing of.

From every heart,
a door opens to God.

Education must start somewhere in the compulsive junk food milieu of fueling up. In my store, all junk food has been replaced with comparables that are nourishing, won’t kill you, and are not derived from disturbing animals.

At Hangry Planet, your gas matters!

We are the first and only Convenience Store in all of the United States that will be fully plant based by 2022, (and I think the second in the world, Japan beat us in 2019). Boom.

We are also committed to social impact by pledging 10% monthly to charities and high impact organizations that build schools, support orphans, pursue critical humanitarian relief missions, and mitigate animal abuse.

Here, your gas matters!

Compassion first,

Bobak Bakhtiari


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Operation Nourish: Siéntete Hermosa, No Basura.

Bobak Bakhtiari

El miedo, el dolor y el aislamiento son las realidades dominantes para los miles de millones de animales atrapados en la arquitectura del terrorismo animal conocido como granjas industriales en la actualidad. Más del 99% de la carne que consume y el queso / productos lácteos que consume provienen del tormento diario de los animales, la mayoría en CAFO (operaciones concentradas de alimentación animal), probablemente parados en su propio estiercol en este momento. Muchas de estas especies nunca ven el aire libre excepto en su camino al matadero. Viven, respiran miedo y dolor.

Reflexione sobre eso por un segundo.

La verdad de esta crueldad está estratégicamente escondida para que la conveniencia, la tradición y las ganancias masivas prevalezcan constantemente sin ninguna responsabilidad. (es decir, la leche de marca Lucerne anuncia a los terneros y a la mamá en su etiqueta. Miente. Los terneros se roban justo al nacer y nunca ven a la mamá, mientras que los órganos reproductivos de la mamá se explotan para el consumo humano hasta que muere en una fracción de su vida normal).Si desea saber qué terror maligno desafortunadamente patrocina (a menos que esté basado en plantas), le sugiero leer en y , dos organizaciones que documentan de manera integral el abuso y persiguen medidas que cambian la ley.

Hangry Planet son una operación familiar desde 1999 y, aunque este es solo un mercado, abogamos de manera proactiva por los amores peludos y no peludos (sin voz) que cada uno posee su propia personalidad y merece ser feliz y libre de la esclavitud. Estamos adoptando una posición contra el abuso, dando prioridad a la compasión, poniendo en la lista negra la agricultura industrial y buscamos educar sobre los horrores de los que probablemente sepa muy poco o nada,

De cada corazón se abre una puerta a Dios.

La educación debe comenzar en algún lugar del entorno compulsivo de la comida chatarra de alimentarse. En mi tienda, toda la comida chatarra ha sido reemplazada por productos comparables que son nutritivos, no te matarán y no se derivan de animales perturbados.

¡En Hangry Planet, su gas es importante! ¡¡Viva!!.

Somos la primera y única tienda de conveniencia en todos los Estados Unidos que estará completamente basada en la planta para 2022 (y creo que la segunda en el mundo, Japón nos ganó en 2019). ¡¡Viva!! ¡¡Viva!!.

Estamos comprometidos con el impacto social al comprometer el 10% mensual a organizaciones benéficas y organizaciones de alto impacto que construyen escuelas, apoyan a los huérfanos, llevan a cabo misiones críticas de ayuda humanitaria y mitigan el abuso animal.

Tu gas importa,

Bobak Bakhtiari


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Annual State of the Gas Station Address by Owner Bobak Bakhtiari

2021: Fueling Up with Dairy Truths

While studies have proven that cows are emotionally complex animals that are incredibly sensitive and intelligent, all dairy farms will do very nasty unkind things to their cows, which Americans generally have zero clue about. This will be the topic of this year’s annual address. 

Dairy farmers forcibly remove calves from mom immediately and permanently, creating a period of anxiety, confusion, and profound sadness  as dairy cows often will call out for their calves, sometimes for days. This doesn’t happen just once. This happens year after year for a dairy cow, after they are forcefully inseminated, also a painful process, and until they die of exhaustion about 20 years before their natural lifespan, at age 5 on average. The constant cycle of pregnancy and intensive milk production takes a heavy toll on their bodies, as they are slaughtered a fraction of their natural lifespan. Then they’re sent off to become hamburger meat.  

Now as for the calves, well if they’re male, they’re either killed immediately in most cases or confined or chained in lonely stalls for a short miserable life before they are slaughtered for the veal industry. (More on that below).    

Most people know nothing of the dark lucrative dairy industry, and how it is daily torture, high-stress, and exploitation. Convenience, tradition, and robust government support has misled America (and most other countries), fueling an industry of ethically reckless mass profit that champions impunity. I knew nothing of these well hidden truths until a few months ago. I’ve decided to do my part and share some of my findings on this page for the many (like me) that had no clue. I’ve also decided to transition to become the world’s first plant based Foodmart which I am currently working on. In sizing up my Hangry Mart, I discovered that over 192 items contain dairy which will all be nixed or replaced with plant based alternatives. 

I encourage you to educate yourself on farming practices and how they’ve ramped up production, further bulldozing compassion in the face of profit. If you are one that indulges in cheese or any dairy product, browse this educational page and learn how you inevitably support the misery of these emotionally sophisticated animals. 

While in my exhaustive research I did find one farm (and sanctuary) in the US that presents a truly ethical approach and one where calves aren’t stripped from mom (, all the other farms not only separate calves immediately, but they also do lots of other abusive things, some of it well documented by Operation Natural Prairie, an undercover investigation of massive organic farms owned by Coca Cola that concisely educates on the life of these cows. (More abuse allegation videos below)

 If you have questions, concerns, need to rant at me, or would like support on going dairy-free or becoming plant-based, please send me an email at  

May compassion be prioritized in all hearts.

Know the truth, and may love guide you,

Bobak Bakhtiari

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love animals.image.jpg

Further Education:

Cows are emotional complex animals.  3 scientific sources:,unfamiliar%20objects%2C%20and%20social%20isolation.

What happens to Dairy Calves?

“Milk Doesn’t Do Shit For Your Bones”: VICE article

10 significant facts the dairy industry hides well

The Fed Gov’t is lying to you about Milk: VICE article

Detrimental effects of Milk on bones: American Journal of Epidemiology et al

Environmental and Animal Welfare consequences of Dairy Farms

Article on emotional lives of cows

A humane slaughter house for calves?

Guide to Going DairyFree

A Poem

We steal calves from their moms, 
        Then we steal their milk.
We need our milk in our coffee dammit!

   We breed cows to be milk slaves.
    They die young.
 They suffer 
   from mastitis ...and other diseases. 
    We need our pizza dammit!

We need our cheese. It’s so yummy!
                    We need our pastries.
        We need our butter.

We need these comforts. 
Because we are sick 
         twisted Americans 
              that worship convenience,
 That worship tradition.

Maybe we need to get our head 
out of our asses
And see the cruelty we blindly support.

Maybe we need to nourish our souls with truth and compassion.

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